Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course

    2. Viewing instructions

    3. You're having a baby. Congratulations!

    4. Print and download your workbook here

    1. You CAN have a great birth

    2. Karen's tip about your estimated due date

    1. What's your approach to birth?

    2. Positive input is the key

    3. Your mindset about birth

    1. What type of birth do you want?

    2. How do you work out what you want?

    3. Bringing it together

    1. Exercise in pregnancy

    2. How pregnancy yoga can help you have a better birth

    3. Does your baby's position matter?

    1. Sort out your stuff before your baby arrives

    2. Your birth team

    3. Childbirth Education

About this course

  • Free
  • 22 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Start today to prepare for an amazing birth experience